Chalk painting a table
How to use chalk paint to create a marble effect?

How to use chalk paint to create a marble effect?

Welcome to Upcycle TV, In our last Video on Upcyle TV, Stuart showed us a tutorial on the use of chalk painting to create a marble effect on your surface of choice, which is very useful if your on a budget as paint can become expensive so now we are going to show you the process and results off how to correctly use chalk paint.

Have you ever wondered how to use chalk paints to create marble effect?

This method of using chalk paint is really easy as it’s quite simple to do. once its done you get a marble effect that you have created by yourself! Now before you start to paint your surface of choice, I have some promising news, you do not need expensive paint but lower the cost usually means lesser the quality so take that in mind when expecting a marble effect.

Don’t forget this method is really cost effective meaning its affordable to do, so get going and start buying your tools and paint for your marble effect project.

What will you need?

  1. Paints (coloured range)
  2. Brushes
  3. Hair Dryer (using low/medium setting/
  4. Blow gun
  5. Pots

Links to the paint used (click here)

Down below you will see some images that show a before and after process of chalk paint marble effect

Please beware doing this method won’t guarantee the same pattern as they are all different in their own ways


Chalk painting a table


Two tables one with a marble effect

Step by step process

  1. Use a sanding machine of your choice, start to sand down the surface you want to have marble effect, ensuring it’s flat and open to air
  2. If necessary, clean away any left over mess on the surface
  3. Apply the first coat of your choice, we used white paint
  4. After the coat is applied, you will need to take a break to allow it too dry
  5. Now get your pots for your paint’s and mix in little bit of water into it
  6. Make sure to mix well, then start pouring your contents in pots onto the surface of your choice
  7. Grab your tool for blowing the contents, and start by making its low to medium speed, now time to blow it all around which will expand the paints
  8. There we go, your marble effect should be finished, now take those photos we would love to see them

Please note if you run into any problems then this list below should help you identify your issue

  • Did you pour into too much water into your paints
  • Is your Blowing tool on right speed setting
  • Did you sand down properly making sure there is no mess
  • Did you make sure the surface is smooth after sanding it down

Stuart is one of best for tutorials, showing you how to build anything from cabinets to chalk painting.

The marble effect turned out amazing,  Perfect Job Stuart! Here is another similar tutorial video (click here)

If you want more information on ‘ how to upcycle’ please get in touch Contact

If you like the idea of these ideas, chalk painting surfaces then maybe its time for you to head over to Upcycle Channel for how to complete projects successfully without mistakes if your unsure, there are numerous amount of videos on all categories of “Upcycle ideas”.


Painting floor tiles
How to paint floor tiles?

How to paint floor tiles?

Welcome to Upcycle TV, In our last Video on Upcyle TV, Stuart showed us how easy it was to paint floor tiles, which is very useful if your on a budget as paint can become expensive so now we are going to show you step by step the results off applying paint to floor tiles.

Check out the video here

Have you ever wondered how to paint floor tiles – here I will show you how to?

The process of painting floor tiles is really easy as it’s quite simple to do. once its done you get a smooth look that you applied by yourself! Now before you start to make your tiles become checked, here’s some promising news, you do not need expensive paint but lower the cost usually means lesser the quality so take that in mind.

Don’t worry you don’t need to spend your lifesavings on this, its cheaper than you expect to actually do.

Painting floor tiles

First of you will need

Brushes to use to paint the floor

Frenchic Al Fresco Furniture Paint Outdoor Range (Any colour you want) Link below

Similar paint used in this video

Step by step process

  1.  Dip brush in the paint and apply to the floor for a first coat and make sure to leave it for 30 minutes
  2.  Go back for a second coat and leave for couple days and then either test the wear of the paint or apply all over the tiles

Stuart is one of best for tutorials, showing you how to build anything from cabinets to floor tiles.

The paint looks so settled on the floor, It’s amazing for 20 quid paint which is pretty low for paint, what great value! Perfect Job Stuart!

If you like the idea of these ideas, painting floors maybe its time for you to head over to Upcycle Channel for how to complete project successfully without mistakes if your unsure, there are numerous amount of videos on all categories of “Upcycle ideas”.



How to make a kitchen cabinet out of Plywood?

How to make a kitchen cabinet out of Plywood?

Have you ever imagined making your own kitchen cabinet out of plywood? Are you ready to unleash your inner creative side, but having little knowledge of the process is stopping you? Stress no more – this blog is for you! We will run you through a step by step process on how to build that kitchen cabinet out of plywood.

What you need before

To ensure the process runs smoothly, make sure you have all the following to hand:

  • Plunge saw
  • Track Guide
  • Tape measure
  • Pencil

Step by Step process to making a Plywood kitchen cabinet

Here is a step by step process on how to make your plywood kitchen cabinet.

  1. Measure 570 from the front edge on both sides and mark it with a rough word (for Example Front, back, Inside )
  2. Put your track saw up to your measurements and cut across
  3. Measure again to last measurements of 570 then move track saw up and then cut across
  4. Then cut a height of 720 on the plywood
  5. Once you have made the cuts that are your panels leaving you with 4 bits of Plywood
  6. Clamp together or hold together
  7. Screw either side by screwing at the top and bottom then screw the bottom

making a plywood cabinet

What you need after

Here is the equipment you will need after putting the cabinet together to complete the finish look.

  • Hinges
  • Leg pack

About Upcycle TV

Upcycle Tv is a trading name of Upcycle Group LTD: It is a place where you can learn EVERYTHING about how to upcycle, from how to’s, techniques and reviews.

If you want more information on ‘ how to upcycle’ please get in touch Contact

For more Upcycle videos head over and subscribe to our  YouTube –  You will be hooked,  so make sure you have plenty of time.

Why should I upcycle?

Get ready to upcycle!- I guarantee it’s what you will want to do almost immediately after reading this. 

What is upcycling? 

Before we dig deep and find out why it is so important for everyone to try and upcycle, we need to know what upcycling is.

Upcycling is a creative way to reuse an old item; making them in to a better quality product with better environment value. It allows us to make use of used items indefinitely. Do not be mistaken between upcycling and recycling.

Upcycling Vs Recycling

Upcycling is reusing an existing (old) item by transforming it and finding a new purpose. Recycling is turning the product back into it’s raw form. It takes a lot of manpower, processing power and machinery for recycling to happen, often the quality of the product will not be restored- this is known as downcycling.


Why should I upcycle? 

There are many reasons why we should all be upcycling, after all it has some marvellous benefits.

  • The healthiest way to manage your waste- Upcycling reduces the amount of waste that is dumped into the landfills. Dumping unwanted items can be a concern for the environment, due to some materials containing dangerous chemicals that cause soil degradation. This can lead to water pollution and let’s not forget air pollution. Along side this landfills can be an eyesore.


  • Conserves the limited resources – Imagine the amount of good materials that are going to waste when dumped- mind- blowing. The materials dumped daily are precious, their supply can diminish. We all need to be upcycling to eliminate the need to use fresh raw materials.


  • Saves money- We all look for ways to save money, right? Upcycling is a fun and challenging activity, that minimises cost of production. Seems like a no brainer!


  • Encourages creativity and Innovation- Upcycled products are unique and quirky, different to anything you would find on the high street. This is what makes upcycling truly spectacular.


If you interested journey the fabulous world of Upcycling and want to find out more, check out Upcycle Tv  for everything upcycle. Upcycle TV are also a partner of the upcycle fayre 2021 – exciting! If this is something you would love to be part of, head over to Vintage Upcycle Fayre Wiltshire  for more information.

How to make a kitchen cabinet out of plywood

In our last Video on UpcyleTv, Stuart showed us how easy it was build a kitchen cabinet out some simple plywood, which is very handy if your on a budget as the plywood and if you already own all the nessersay tools then it would only cost you about 20 pounds per sheet! – The plans for the Kitchen Cabinet are at the bottem of the blog

Check out the Video On YouTube HERE


  Measure your wood! ?

measuring wood

The process of making a Kitchen cabinet is really fun as it’s quite simple to do. once its done you get a lovely set of cabinets that you made yourself! Now before you start this epic quest to make your dreams come true, you do need the right kit. The tools that you will need are a Plunge saw and a track guide for it to sit on. This will get you some perfect straight cuts. It makes the job really easy.

Don’t worry if you don’t want to spend a bomb on tools that you might only use a couple times, there  are lower cost alternatives that you can look into. But the only other thing you will need is some plywood, a tape measure and a pencil. Simple stuff, so let’s get cracking!

STOP………..Cuttting time!

Cutting wood

before you start it ‘s Important to get the right measurements on your wood so make sure you get it right before cutting. when using a track guild and plunge saw, make sure the depth is set right.  If its deep too then you will cut rigth through onto your work bench.

Stuart is now marking up all the parts of the wood in which he wishes to cut to size.

As Stuart goes along on the track guid with his trusty plunge saw, OH NO DISASTER HAS STRUCK! Stuart has forgotten to plugin the vacuum, but don’t worry as its not a huge mess up and luckily he noticed it straight away, so no mess went everywhere!

After that little accident though, its smooth sailing and he gets the job done just fine.

The cut is made and Stuart is left with a nice pannel that fits his plans. Now lets make some more!

Once he has all his pannels cut to size, he can then start by clamping the wood together to prepare it for the pilot holes in the wood. (The pilot holes are where the screws will go, and are essential if you dont want problems later on then always drill some pilot holes!)

Wow look at that, Stuart has now fully assembeled his kitchen unit, and all he has to do is screw it all together and add the feet!

With the Unit nearly complete and the Pilot holes ready to fill with screws, Stuart starts by getting a better angle on the unit by laying it on its side, this way he can drill the screws in without messing it up.


Tea break

Stuart is procrastinating on his tea break again. COME ON STUART, finish the Unit!

oh no, he has knocked over his drill while explaining the meaning of life, I guess we will never know…

The Unit looks great,  esspecially for 20 quid a sheet, thats just a bargin! Good Job Stuart!

If you like the thought of making your own kitchn cabinet, but maybe you are not quite ready to make something from scratch, then maybe watch  couple of videos on Upcycle Tv  for loads of ‘upcycle’ ideas.

The Plans!

Click To Download Plans

Its Done and ready to fit!


The Video

I hope you enjoyed this blog on How to make a kitchen cabinet out of plywood, before you go, check out our blog on Epoxy Resin



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